NRM CONSULTANTS PTY LTD - Qualified Structural Engineers in Mandurah

2019-04-01 5

Since 2017, NRM CONSULTANTS PTY LTD, the leading structural engineers in Mandurah has been helping their clients with engineering services such as drafting services, fabrication documentation, project management, super-intendence, feasibility study, structural desk study & certification. They also specialise in site investigation services including soil classification, dilapidation surveys, structural remediation, structural stability, asset maintenance (mining, local council, bridge), computer modelling for earthquake risk assessments and residential cracking & settlement.

Dr. Mills has worked with a diverse range of clients to deliver projects on both a regional and national Level. Dr. Mills has worked on the following projects:
1. Adelaide Royal Hospital (Courtesy of KBR).
2. Adelaide Desalination Plant (Courtesy of KBR).
3. Mining projects for both Rio Tinto and BHP; Design and Construction (Courtesy of KBR and WML Consultants).
4. Ozone building for the Melbourne Water Corporation (Courtesy of KBR).
5. Perth Children’s hospital structural engineering on both formwork certification and tunnel construction (Courtesy of WML Consultants).
6. Many Precast and Tilt-up construction Projects in both Uk and Australia, including Gatwick Hotel, Aberdeen Schools improvement programme and many Multi-storey precast concrete car parks (Courtesy of KBR, Bison Concrete Products, WML Consultants and KBR).
7. Many local residential projects in Australia, dealing with residential construction on Class A and S sites. Providing construction details for retaining walls and certification for residential construction (Courtesy of WML Consultants).
8. Engineering Management and Superintendence duties.
9. Structural Investigations and remediation, including corrosion assessments, dilapidation surveys, structural assessment of Cracking and settlement for residential developments.

Our aim is to develop full sustainable solutions reducing waste, reducing the impact on the local community, developing sustainable communities and advising on life cycle compliant products to aid the client in achieving long term viable and environmentally solutions. To know more visit