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Pres. Moon calls on civic groups' active role in creating social consensus on major issues

2019-04-01 3

문대통령 "새로운 대한민국 100년은 시민의 성장이 곧 국가의 성장"

President Moon Jae-in says he will work with civic groups to improve governance in the name of national unity,... especially with this year being the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the provisional Korean government.
He was speaking in round of discussions on Monday... involving some 80 civic groups, including conservative ones.
Crediting those groups for what they've done to keep the government in check and advance Korean society,... President Moon said that their role is needed even more today.
He called for joint efforts by the government and civic groups to create a social consensus on major issues including fine dust pollution, the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula and building a fair economy.