Seoul-U.S. reaffirm their policies on North Korea face the same direction

2019-03-30 6

We start our newscast... with Seoul and Washington's efforts to maintain close cooperation amid ongoing changes on the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea's foreign minister met with her U.S. counterpart... and said their alliance is stronger than ever before.
Our Lee Ji-won has this story.
South Korean and U.S. policies on North Korea are facing the same direction.
This is what Seoul's foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha said to a group of South Korean reporters gathered in Washington... following her sitdown with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday, local time.
This was the first meeting between the pair,... following the breakdown in talks at the Hanoi summit.

Minister Kang said,.. amid the North openly firing their views of the summit,... she and Secretary Pompeo evaluated them together,... and agreed that the priority now is to resume dialogue between Pyeongyang and Washington.

And though no specific deal was reached in Hanoi,... Secretary Pompeo allegedly said that the U.S. will continue its diplomatic efforts to bring progress on the North's denuclearization in the future.

Minister Kang also said she is aware of the concerns on the allies' "alleged discord".
But she said honest opinions on North Korea and its denuclearization were exchanged in-depth,... and that Seoul and Washington's alliance is as firm as ever.

This comes amid signs of dissonance between the two countries,... with the U.S. working to strengthen the enforcement of international sanctions on the North,... while Seoul has been eyeing progress in inter-Korean economic projects... within the boundaries of existing sanctions.

According to Minister Kang, the two diplomats also discussed preparations for their leaders' summit next month and other bilateral and international issues.
With another round of negotiations on the allies' defense cost-sharing to start soon, Minister Kang said she once again reminded Secretary Pompeo of Seoul's contribution,... and also delivered Seoul's stance on extending the exemption for South Korea on its sanctions on Iran, as well as Washington's investigation into possible tariffs on imported vehicles.

The two diplomats also agreed... that more regular communication is needed in global issues other than North Korea, to live up to their 'comprehensive strategic alliance'.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.