My Phone Spent 70K And I Never Noticed

2019-03-29 3

This is Donny. He’s no longer a teenager, but he still prefers to have zero responsibilities and to chill out as much as possible instead. In this respect, he’s got his life worked out perfectly. Donny’s a talented DJ, and he’s spent a lot of time clubbing in different party towns around the world together with his girlfriend – who’s a party animal just like him. But this is the story of how Donny “grew up” and achieved his parents’ dream for him, but without losing his happiness along the way.

Once, Donny was doing a DJ set in Ibiza with his girlfriend Luanne alongside him. He was glad to be at that particular party and knew it would be a great event to help promote his work. He was busy DJ-ing his head off, and the night was a huge success. When he’d finished, he went off to celebrate by partying all night long. By the end, he was exhausted, and he asked Luanne to call a taxi. Once they’d got into the car, Donny took his phone from his pocket to check the time.

This was when he started swearing like a trooper. You know that freaking lock button that keeps your phone nice and safe in your pocket without calling your mom at 5 am? It went off! And Donny wished it had called his mom at that point, because you know what it did? You can’t even imagine! It went to an e-commerce app he’d once downloaded and placed an order for the first thing it found. God, why couldn’t it have been some stupid slinky or a wonder-mop? But no, his phone decided that if it was going to lead its own life, it was going to do it like a boss. So right there in a taxi Donny learned that he’d become the proud owner of…tadaaah! A coach!

And it wasn’t just any old coach. It was THE COACH, a super-deluxe 53-seater with leather seats, a bar and who knows what else. Feeling his hair slowly turning grey, Donny tried to calm down. “There’s nothing that can’t be changed”, he said to himself, and began browsing the e-commerce site for the terms and conditions and other important things he normally never paid attention to. Surely he could cancel it, any order can be cancelled, except… Except… Then Donny’s eyes fell on the order status, and he felt as though the world has begun to spin. Any order except ones already PAID for.

How could this be? It was impossible! It’d been paid for with a credit card. 70,000 dollars! It had to be some kind of mistake. And suddenly he remembered that he’d linked his credit card to his phone, as it was easier to buy boosts for online games that way. Luanne got scared as she saw that Donny appeared to be fainting. This was everything he owned, and his phone had wasted it all on a stupid coach. You can imagine how he was feeling.

They rushed back to the hotel and Donny began an endless round of correspondence and negotiations with his bank, the e-commerce site and the seller, who luckily was based in his hometown. He started all this in Ibiza but finished off at home, as he needed to hold some face-to-face meetings with all those nice people.