S. Korea discloses its FX intervention records for first time

2019-03-29 3

외환시장 개입내역 오늘 첫 공개

For the first time, South Korea has released the records of its interventions in the foreign exchange market as part of efforts to improve transparency.
The Bank of Korea put the data on its website just minutes ago at four p.m. local time.
Visitors can look up the net amount of U.S. dollars bought and sold by Korea's currency authorities in the second half of last year.
The central bank will release the data on the first half of 2019 in September.
The U.S. and the IMF's have continuously demanded that Korea to release its currency market records on a regular basis to commit to a flexible exchange rate.
Last October, the U.S. Treasury's semiannual report kept South Korea on its monitoring list.

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