After her love confession for Ranbir Kapoor at Filmfare awards, recently Alia attended another award event, where she donned a red sheer Sabyasachi saree. The ‘Kalank’ actress also had a reunion with her Gully Boy co-star Vijay Verma. Director Sri Ram Raghvan, Shibani Dandekar, Gajraj Rao, Rasika Duggal, Dia Mirza, Shekhar Suman, Boman Irani, Konkana Sen Sharma, Sobhita Dholipala, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana and many more. Alia will next see in the multi-starrer film Kalank, followed by Brahmastra which also stars Ranbir Kapoor. Also, from Takht to Sadak 2 and of course SS Rajamouli's RRR to Sanjay Leela Bhansali film with Salman Khan.