Lawyer Michael Avenatti Arrested on Fraud and Extortion Charges

2019-03-25 59

Lawyer Michael Avenatti Arrested on Fraud and Extortion Charges He has been accused of crimes in the states of California and New York. In New York, prosecutors say Avenatti threatened to hurt Nike's image in exchange for up to $25 million. Charges were announced after the
attorney said he would reveal a
big college basketball scandal. Avenatti also allegedly demanded
that $1.5 million be paid to a client of his
to stay quiet about the scandal. The former lawyer for Stormy Daniels has also been accused of embezzlement
in California. To repay personal debts, Avenatti allegedly
used client money for it
and other expenses. Bank fraud charges have been levied against him in California as well. Through bogus tax returns, prosecutors say Avenatti was able to receive giant money loans from a bank. He currently faces up
to 47 years in jail. Daniels, who recently cut ties with Avenatti, said she is not surprised by the charges. Stormy Daniels, via statement

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