Carlos Monzon on rematch contract with Nino Benvenutti 1970

2019-03-24 20

Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the Luna Park stadium. Report to Juan Carlos "Tito" Lectoure, in which he is asked: -Did he quit a Lectoure fight? - Specifically how much could Luna Park have paid for the fight to be held here in Argentina? Report to Amilcar Brusa, in which he is asked: - Satisfied with this contract? -Do you confirm one thing Brusa, the referee is Argentine? - The other jury is already the answer? Report to Carlos Monzon, in which he is asked: -Carlos, this morning we did a report and you thought you were going to earn 150 thousand dollars, now you feel very poor, I suppose? - Did you hope before being a world champion to win some day for a fight so much money together? Report to Benvenutti's manager, Mr. Bruno Amaducci, in which he is asked: "Have I ever paid so much money for a fight? - Why do you pay so much money? - Do you think you are going to make a lot of money paying this? - Where is the fight? - Is not the contract legally signed yet? (Leo Gleizer)
Date: 12/21/1970
Duration: 3 minutes 25 seconds
Film code: B-08749

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