George Conway On Trump's 'Stupid' NK Sanctions Tweet: 'Apart From His Mental Instability, He Is Simply Inept'

2019-03-23 14

George Conway again slammed President Trump on Saturday.

George Conway is continuing his feud with President Trump--this time, calling the U.S. leader "incompetent," "simply inept" and "unfit for the presidency," in a series of tweets about his approach to North Korea. 
The D.C. attorney and husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway tweeted Saturday: "Of course, as usual, Trump is incompetent. His tweet referred to sanctions that had been previously 'announced.' But it turns out, he was referring to sanctions that had yet to be announced. He confused everyone. Apart from his mental instability, he is simply inept. Stupid." 
George Conway was reacting to a tweet about Trump reversing his administration's position on North Korean sanctions because he is said to still want a deal with Kim Jong-un. 
According to CNN, Trump's tweet about withdrawing new sanctions on the regime "triggered rampant confusion among his own aides and administration officials." 
Staff reportedly did not know which sanctions he was referencing, and his message was perceived as "a startling rebuke of policy action being undertaken by his own government." 
Conway later added: "In our lifetimes there has never been a president who has been so singularly unfit for the presidency, or indeed any public office. That's remarkable enough—but what's even more remarkable is that almost every day Trump does something new to drive home the point." 
Conway's public rebuke of the president continues a series of verbal attacks the two have exchanged, with Trump recently calling Conway a "whack job" and "a husband from hell!" 

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