Spring cold snap returns _ 032219

2019-03-22 7

The spring cold snap returns and braving the cold for us we have our weather caster Lee Jee-hyun in Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon, Gyeonggido-Province..Jee-hyun, we hear a cold wave advisory is in place in many regions...
Good morning, Mark. Yes, what a dramatic change in weather this week from mid-April like temperatures to, dust, rain and now we are having brief spring cold snap with an advisory in place. I can definitely feel the air has gotten so much colder this morning. Take out your winter jackets again, and extra scarf to keep you warm and you might want to hit the roads early there are always more cars on colder days.
A cold wave advisory has been issued for many central regions, morning lows have dropped nearly 10 degrees Celsius compared to yesterday, that's when the weather agency issues a cold wave advisory when the readings drop more than 10 degrees in just one night.

The brief spring cold snap will be with us through the weekend, so stay covered up. Morning lows in Seoul will be at the freezing mark until Sunday.
For a closer look at today's temperatures, Seoul and Daejeon are waking up to sub-zero morning lows at minus 1 degree, Chuncheon colder at minus 3.
Daily highs will be a few notches lower than yesterday across much of the country and at 9 degree here in Seoul.
Cold winds will only add more chill to the air, so it's ok to wear your favorite winter jacket one last time before it gets too warm.
That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.