S. Korea celebrates its 46th 'Commerce and Industry Day' on Wednesday

2019-03-20 7

제 46회 상공의 날 기념식 개최...성윤모 장관 "상공인은 투자와 신산업 도전에 적극 나서야"

South Korea celebrated its 46th Commerce and Industry Day by honoring businesses and individuals in the field for their hard work.
1-hundred-and-90 company leaders received awards and commendations from the government at a special event in Seoul hosted by the trade ministry.
The main items produced by these firms include auto parts, chipmaking equipment and electronic components.
Trade minister Sung Yun-mo... thanked them for their contributions to the local economy... and emphasized the importance of increasing investment and branching out to new sectors.
The ministry pointed out that many of the winning companies have combined traditional industries with the latest technologies such as AI,... which helped boost sales.