Karat Juice Detox Diet Cleanse Recipe. A Martha Stewart Detox Detox Blender Recipe

2019-03-20 7

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We love our celebrities and we want to thank Martha Stewart for coming up with this great recipe. Our recipe tester gave this detox recipe 5 stars and mentioned that it tasted really good which is rare for a blender detox recipe. This detox recipe is great for cleansing out your system from toxins and filling it with healthy nutrients. Great for a detox diet or for a quick detox, and this recipe actually tastes really good.
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Karat Juice Detox Diet Cleanse Recipe by Martha Stewart.
It may seem like overkill to include a whole pound of carrots in this recipe, but considering how healthy they are, you won't regret your decision to make this drink. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which has been proven to help cleanse bile and fat from the liver, improve vision, and prevention cancer and stroke. Beets help detoxify as well, specifically cleansing the liver and increasing oxygen in the blood stream. The addition of aloe aids internal healing from inflammation, while the blue green algae helps rebuild with six grams of protein in one teaspoon. To benefit from the plant fiber in these ingredients, you'll want to use a Blendtec or a Vitamix blender; fiber is recommended by health experts to aid in weight loss, and to help keep you full longer. The Martha Stewart 24 Karat Juice Recipe was developed for the Martha Stewart show by chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten of the ABC Elixir Bar, a vegan raw juice bar founded in New York. For easy blending check out the Blendtec and Vitamix blenders and if you want more easy to blend superfoods search for superfood powders and protein powders on the website.

We recommend using a Blendtec or Vitamix blender for your blender smoothies and blender juices because both the Vitamix and Blendtec blenders have the ability to blend your seeds, nuts, whole foods, and leafy greens into a delicious and drinkable juice or smoothie with a much more drinkable consistency than a regular blender would allow you to get.

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