Television broadcasts in colors begin in Argentina 1980

2019-03-15 1

Bs. As .: Experimental television broadcasts in colors for the local market begin, said broadcasts will be of one hour, they will not include advertising and their display obeys the need to adapt the new equipment before the formal launch, these transmissions in color, they are added to the adjustment signals that ATC and Canal 13 have been broadcasting for several months prior to their usual programming. (Color / No sound)
Detail: General views of a man setting up a television in the factory, you can also see the TV screens receiving the signal of Channel 13 with Cesar Luis Menotti image, Cutex advertising, Proartel logo at the end of the Mirtha Legrand program. Outdoor images where people can be seen reading the whiteboards of the newspaper La Nacion; in front of the Ministry of Agriculture; Man taking a photograph on the street; in front of the Colon Theater; panoramic of the intersection of Guido and Uruguay streets; panoramic of the Riachuelo; panoramic street with transit of buses, taxis and private cars; dog leaning out of the window of a tenement house in the neighborhood of La Boca; cameraman filming a street; Channel 13 transmission antenna; operator working in the channel 13 transmissions cabin during the color signal test; newspaper stand on the street and man walking with a newspaper under his arm; plate of the Spanish Meson of Buenos Aires; retired people playing bocce in a square; images of the sun falling during sunset; traffic light in red; images of the moon during the night.
Date: 4/25/1980
Duration: 2 minutes 58 seconds
Film code: B-05960

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