EPCAMR's Brook Trout Tank Live Stream 03/14/19

2019-03-14 1

This is a live view of EPCAMR's Brook Trout Tank. The fingerlings are growing fast now and approaching 2" in length. Though the nitrate levels remain high, we haven't had any deaths for a while, *knock on wood*. The watercress, algae and water changes are helping to keep the chemistry under control. The trout are basically attacking everything that moves in the tank. They will be good at survival in the wild for sure. There are about 55 left.

Pennsylvania's statewide Trout In the Classroom (TIC) program is made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). This partnership provides curriculum resources, workshops for teachers and program partners, technical support, brook trout eggs and food, and grants.