LKP floor leader slams Moon's policies on economy, nat'l security and N. Korea

2019-03-12 4

'나경원 발언'에 정국 급랭…3월 국회 '빨간불' 예고

With the March extraordinary session having barely kicked off last week, the Korean parliament seemed to be back in operation.
But the road ahead appears rocky.. after the floor leader of the main opposition party delivered her speech at a plenary session on Tuesday.
Kim Mok-yeon has the latest from the National Assembly.
The floor leader of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party, Na Kyung-won, slammed the Moon administration's economic and defense policies on Tuesday.
In a speech as leader of one of the parliament's negotiating blocs,... Na criticized the administration's policy of income-led growth and its record on jobs.
She claimed the policy is a violation of the constitution because it violates the public's "economic freedom."
She suggested a round-table conference of economists to come up with practical policies to help revive growth.
She also lambasted the government for what she called its "complacency" over the issue of fine dust pollution.
Also, attacking the government's policies on North Korea,... the floor leader said that ending South Korea's three joint military exercises with U.S. seriously threatens national security and stressed that Seoul should not be, in her words, defending Pyeongyang.
"Now, I am ashamed of how the current administration protects and speaks on behalf of North Korea.
Please don't make me hear embarrasing things like people calling President Moon the senior spokesman for Kim Jong-un."
Those comments provoked a strong backlash from other lawmakers, especially from the ruling party, with some even leaving the chamber.
After the speech, ruling party floor leader Hong Young-pyo condemned her statement.
"I cannot tolerate the main opposition party floor leader calling the President of the Republic of Korea the senior spokesman of Kim Jong-un. We should take strong action against this."
The ruling party floor leader said that the opposition needs to take responsibility for insulting the head of state and causing chaos in the National Assembly.
The case, he said, will be sent to the parliament's ethics committee on Tuesday.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.