May 18 Pro-Democracy Movement shapes democracy in S. Korea

2019-03-11 4

한국 민주주의의 상징, 5.18 민주화운동

May 18, 1980.
Citizens of Gwangju protested against the authoritarian government led by Chun Doo-hwan,... who took power through a military coup and enforced martial law throughout the country.
KIM Da-mi tells us more about the historic pro-democracy movement.
Thirty-nine years ago,... in Gwangju city, around 165 people were killed and thousands more wounded by government troops sent to quell a democratic movement against the authoritarian regime. The exact number of casualties is still unknown.
Known as Gwangju Pro-democracy Movement, citizens and university students in Gwangju protested against the military government led by then-President Chun Doo-hwan,...who grabbed power in a coup after the assassination of President Park Chung-hee in 1979.
In response to the civilians’ protests known as Gwangju Pro-Democracy Movement, the military government deployed special forces to suppress civilians and employed brutal force, including the use of helicopter gunships,... leaving hundreds dead and thousands more wounded.
The former president maintained a repressive regime for 7 more years until 1987 when mass protests forced him to step down.
Although the movement was brutally suppressed, it became the driving force for the June democracy movement of 1987,... and is now considered to have been a pivotal moment in shaping democracy in South Korea.
Commemorated for its role in Korea’s democracy movement, the May 18th Pro-Democracy Movement has been designated as an official memorial day since 1997.
KIM Da-mi, Arirang News.

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