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S. Korea closely watching all missile activities in N. Korea: Defense Ministry

2019-03-11 5

국방부 "북한 미사일 발사 준비 가능성 포함 모든 동향 감시 중"

The second North Korea-U.S. summit did not produce any fruitful results.
Since then, there have been reports and analysis that raised concerns about the regime's activities at launching facilities.
Seoul's Defense Ministry is keeping close tabs on the issue.
Kan Hyeong-woo reports.
Amid reports that North Korea could be preparing for a rocket launch,... South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff says the nation's military is closely watching all activities at the regime's missile-related facilities.
"We are analyzing North Korea's activities with a range of prospects in mind,... including possible preparations for a missile launch. We are meticulously tracking and monitoring the regime's every move.
The spokesman added that the intelligence services of both Seoul and Washington are in close consultations regarding activities at Pyeongyang's missile-related sites.
The comments came amid various reports and analysis indicating movement at Pyeongyang's nuclear and missile-related facilities based on U.S. intelligence officials and assessments of satellite pictures.
According to the New York Times on Saturday,... citing American intelligence estimates,... the regime has produced enough uranium and plutonium to fuel six new nuclear warheads since the Singapore summit last June.
U.S. national public radio NPR also reported on Friday that satellite images of Saneum-dong missile research center, taken less than a week before the Hanoi summit in Februrary, show vehicles parked near the site and cranes being erected... suggesting North Korea could be getting ready to launch a missile or a satellite in the near future.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News

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