First blood! Julian Castro ATTACKS Bernie Sanders on slavery reparations!

2019-03-10 14

The Democrat in-fighting has begun!! It’s Julian Castro going for Bernie’s jugular on the issue of reparations for slavery!!

Castro makes the argument that Bernie seems to simply want to write a check for any silly socialist policy he wants – but all of sudden starts whining about affordability when it comes to helping black people!! What does that sound like?

Watch below:

Whatever you think of the policy of reparations it’s clear that Castro is subtly trying to insinuate that Bernie is racist here, which is one of the main points of attack from the anti-Bernie crowd. I can’t wait to enjoy the Bernie Bro misogynist attacks on Castro on social media!!

One final thought – his last statement in the video really undermines his entire argument. He says that if the government pays back citizens when it takes their property, shouldn’t they also pay back who themselves were property. But that’s the biggest problem here, right? It is very very difficult to decipher who exactly descended from slaves, and that money isn’t going to the person who suffered slavery directly, but their descendants. So his statement is only persuasive if you don’t stop and think about it for more than two seconds and realize it’s irrational.