Chelsea Manning Jailed For Refusing to Testify Before Grand Jury

2019-03-08 93

Chelsea Manning Jailed For
Refusing to Testify Before Grand Jury On March 8, Chelsea Manning
invoked her first, fourth and sixth amendments
rights during a grand jury questioning. Manning was ordered to testify
in an ongoing investigation of Wikileaks,
the site Manning leaked over 400,000
classified documents to in 2010. Wikileaks currently plays a key role
in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation
into Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Manning has been jailed for her refusal to testify,
and will remain in custody until she changes her decision
or until the grand jury concludes their work. Manning anticipated her arrest,
and released a statement on March 6,
objecting to the secrecy of the process. Chelsea Manning,
via statement. The former Army intelligence analyst
was previously imprisoned between 2010
and 2017 for violating the Espionage Act. The reports she leaked detailed thousands of civilian casualties during the Iraq War that were previously covered up by the US Army. Her original 35-year imprisonment was
commuted by former president Barack Obama in 2017.