Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison - Fox News Video

2019-03-08 3

It’s all the rage right now in the media that Paul Manafort has been sentenced to 47 months in prison for bank and tax fraud.

Here’s what we know:

It says something that the judge refused to imprison Manafort for the two decades that the prosecution requested, calling it excessive.

It also says something that none of this had anything to do with Russian collusion in the 2016 election.

But regardless of all this, something tells me that after Manafort is in prison for a while, Trump will likely grant him clemency. It probably won’t happen until after he wins or loses in 2020, but I fully expect it to happen.

As I’m writing this, I see on MSNBC that Manafort will get 9 months of his sentence already served. So I guess that means it’s really 38 months?