Trump: Media Is 'Totally Out Of Control, But We Are Winning!'

2019-03-08 5

President Trump on Friday took another jab at the media.

President Trump took to Twitter on Friday and again slammed the media.
"I cannot believe the level of dishonesty in the media," he wrote. "It is totally out of control, but we are winning!"
Days prior, he spoke highly of how much his administration has accomplished "in the first two years."  "No administration has accomplished, probably you could say this with absolute surety, in the first two years, anywhere near what we've accomplished," Trump said Tuesday. After citing tax reform and Veterans Affairs matters as examples, Trump continued: "No administration has done in its first two years what the Trump administration has done. So, what the Democrats want to do, they cannot stand the loss. They could not stand losing in 2016." 
It is not unusual for Trump to defend his administration against criticism and scrutiny by commenting on its success.  In May, he lashed out at the Russia probe, stating: "Despite the disgusting, illegal and unwarranted Witch Hunt, we have had the most successful first 17 month Administration in U.S. history - by far!" Months later, he took on the press, saying in a tweet: "The Trump Administration has accomplished more than any other U.S. Administration in its first two (not even) years of existence, & we are having a great time doing it! All of this despite the Fake News Media, which has gone totally out of its mind — truly the Enemy of the People!" 

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