Alyaa Gad - Menopause

2019-03-07 4

Alyaa Gad - Menopause
So, what is the menopause? Menopause stands for “menstruation stopping”. “Meno” → menstruation, “pause” → pausing.
All women will experience menopause at a certain point of their life, as they get older. It means that your ovaries are actually shrinking, producing less and less estrogen, that’s the female hormone. The ovaries are also losing their main function and that is making eggs for you to have babies with them. The average age of reaching the menopause is about 50, so ‘round the age of 50 you will start experiencing special symptoms that are a sign that you are going into your menopause. These symptoms that happen before the menopause and maybe after it’s complete, we call it postmenopausal symptoms.
Some women would experience menopause earlier, younger than 40, and in this case we call it early menopause. These women might be having a certain disease like ovarian failure or have had cancer and have had radiation therapy or have undergone hysterectomy, and all this can lead you to also going through your menopause.
The menopause itself is a physiological phenomenon but can cause some health problems and some symptoms that might bother you as you go through it.
What are the symptoms of menopause? How do you know that you are going through the menopause?
The first thing you might notice is that your periods will be different. You might have abnormal vaginal bleeding, which means that your period will be heavier or lighter, or more frequent, or less frequent
You will also notice hot flashes, which are waves of feeling very hot all over your body, and sweaty, and red, and it might be embarrassing sometimes. At night you might notice night sweats, which might disturb your sleeping pattern and give you insomnia.
Sometimes you will also notice vaginal dryness or itchy vagina and you will experience maybe some difficulties having sexual intercourse.
You might also suffer from stress incontinence, which means that as soon as you cough or sneeze you might leek some urine.
You might also experience fatigue, lack of concentration, mood swings and other symptoms, because you’re feeling sad, depressed that you’re getting a bit older.
There’s also a fact that when the estrogen is less you will experience the effect of relatively more testosterone in your body, and that’s the male hormone, which means that you’ll experience some acne, also some hair on your chin or moustache area.
You might also experience some weight gain, especially around the area of your tummy, so, in the abdomen here, or sometimes around the waist. This is a defense mechanism from your body, because the fat is being stored around the area where actually the estrogen can be stored from the ovary. So it’s actually a reserve for your hormones. So, what you need to do there is not panic, just chance your diet habits a bit and do some sports and everything will be fine
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