Martha McSally reveals she was raped in the military by a superior officer

2019-03-07 16

In a Senate hearing today on sexual assault in the military, Senator Martha McSally shared how she too was preyed upon and raped by a superior officer during her time in the Air Force.

Like so many, she noted, she didn’t say a word about it because she didn’t trust the system. She also blamed herself and felt powerless. When she did finally report the rape, she says she almost quit the Air Force because she felt like the system was raping her all over again.

Here’s the video of her from this afternoon’s hearing. You should watch the whole thing, but if you’re in a rush skip to the 3:00 minute mark:

To share something like that on both a political and national stage takes real guts, especially in this day and age.

And it’s important because it underscores a real problem in the military. Like any institution it’s filled with humans, some of which will do horrible things to each other.

I expect we’ll see some who insult her with this now that she’s put it out there. I think it’s a given that it will happen on social media. I just hope her political enemies don’t use it against her because it would definitely be crossing a big line.

Watch the video for more…