The president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy admonished freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar Wednesday morning and blasted Democrats for not doing enough to combat anti-Semitism.
“I’m frankly, as an American and as a Muslim, insulted at their resolution because it doesn’t name Ilhan Omar,” Dr. Zuhdi Jasser told Fox News' “America’s Newsroom.”
“You listen to [Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y.] and he says ‘oh, we’re going to work with her,’ I mean it’s patronizing, they’re infantilizing her.”
A House vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, following alleged anti-Semitic comments by Omar, D-Minn., was delayed Wednesday.
Engel, who initially spoke out against Omar’s comments, has recently softened his statement.
"First of all, it's not up to me. This is done by the leadership. I don't know that that would do anything except exacerbate the situation even more. I'm looking to get rid of anti-Semitism, not looking to punish anybody,” Engel said Tuesday.
A furious Jasser hit back, asking co-host Sandra Smith: “When did congressional office become a deprogramming rehab for radical Islamist ideologies?”
The resolution in question was expected to state the House “rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.”
The resolution will now include all forms of bigotry.
Jasser questioned the new inclusions because he does not believe Omar’s remarks have anything to do with Islamophobia.
“Congress is actually seeming to turn into sort of the U.N. where everything… when you talk about anti-Semitism you have to talk on Islamophobia,” Jasser said.
“Every American should be offended. There’s no moral equivalency in western history between anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bias. There isn’t.”
Jasser expressed that Democrats are patronizing Muslims and said Omar should be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee for her comments.
“When are we Muslims going to be treated like adults?” Jasser told Smith. “They’re treating her like a child. When they did a resolution against Steve King and he was removed from committees, I don’t remember them talking about other forms of hate because he was treated as an adult, as he should have been, who should have been removed from his committee.
“She should be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee.”