Masks with certified KF mark recommended for fine dust protection

2019-03-05 158

초미세먼지, 황사에 마스크 착용 필수...'KF' 마크 확인도 필수

Wearing face masks to protect ourselves from air pollution has become a necessity these days here in Korea.
For some useful tips on choosing and using the options are available, we turn to our Kim Da-mi .
Under murky skies blanketed with fine and yellow dust,... people purchasing and wearing masks has become a common sight... as they look to protect themselves from harmful ultrafine particles.
Although there is a wide range of dust masks available on the market, only those with a “KF” label are effective and recommended by health authorities.
“KF, an abbreviation of ‘Korean Filter’, is a mark that officially certifies a mask's effectiveness in blocking out fine dust. A number next to the seal shows the rough percentage of particles the mask can filter out.”
For instance, KF80 means the mask can filter more than 80 percent of fine particles that are 0.6 micrometers large.
Experts say, however,... that high-filtration masks are not recommended for some people... as it may be difficult to breath through them.
“People with respiratory problems including children and the elderly are advised to stay away from masks with higher filtration like KF 99. Masks with KF 94 are usually recommended, but the ones with KF 80 provide enough protection as well.”
When wearing a certified mask, its strings and wires should be extended to ensure complete coverage of the mouth, nose and chin.
In addition, experts say masks can be re-used several times when kept in a clean plastic bag or container.
However, they recommend the masks be discarded after being used once, especially on days when dust levels are notably high.
Dust masks, which are available in a wide range of prices,... can be found at local pharmacies and can also be purchased online.
KIM Da-mi, Arirang News.

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