Second N. Korea-U.S. summit in Hanoi was not failure: Bolton

2019-03-04 1

Our top story this morning.
U.S. President Donald Trump's top national aide insists his boss was correct to walk away from a deal in Hanoi with North Korea that wasn't in the best interest of the U.S.
He also stressed that Trump strongly intends to keep dialogue going with the North.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
White House National Security Advisor John Bolton is defending President Trump from criticism that his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Hanoi was a failure.
Speaking with CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday,... Bolton said President Trump had a successful summit,... in terms of protecting and advancing America's national interest.

"Well, I don't consider the summit a failure. I consider it a success defined as the president protecting and advancing American national interest. There was extensive preparation for this meeting, extensive discussions between the president and Kim Jong-un and the issue, really, was whether North Korea was prepared to accept what the president called "the big deal," which is denuclearize entirely under a definition the president handed to Kim Jong-un and have the potential for an enormous economic future."

During an interview with Fox News on the same day, Bolton also said President Trump gave a (quote) "big deal" document to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
He explained that the document, written in Korean and English, describes the details of what the U.S. is asking from the North as well as the regime's potential for economic growth.
Bolton also stressed President Trump is still optimistic about future dialogue with the regime,... which he said differentiates Trump from former U.S. Presidents.
Saying the North came to the negotiating table due to crippling economic sanctions imposed by the international community,... Bolton said Washington will continue to apply such pressure until Pyeongyang abandons its nuclear weapons.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.