Leaders of political parties to discuss normalization of parliament

2019-03-04 1

The leaders of South Korea's five main political parties will meet with the National Assembly Speaker in the coming hours for their monthly luncheon.
They will be discussing the recent North Korea-U.S. summit,... as well as measures to get parliamentary affairs back on track.
Among the participants will be Hwang Gyo-ahn,... the newly elected chair of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party.
Separately,... the floor leaders of the three biggest parties will also meet in hopes of reaching a agreement to convene a parliamentary session.
The National Assembly has been stuck in limbo for two months.
Rival parties are still at odds over a number of issues,... including whether to launch a parliamentary probe into alleged real-estate speculation by a former ruling party lawmaker.
But with bills related to people's livelihoods piling up,... the parties are under pressure to convene a session in March.