Trump Revives Attack On Michael Cohen Citing 'Just Released' Manuscript

2019-03-03 21

President Trump again went after Michael Cohen on Saturday.

President Trump on Saturday resumed his attack on his former attorney Michael Cohen, days after Cohen called the president a "conman" in his scathing testimony.
"Virtually everything failed lawyer Michael Cohen said in his sworn testimony last week is totally contradicted in his just released manuscript for a book about me," Trump tweeted. "It's a total new love letter to 'Trump' and the pols must now use it rather than his lies for sentence reduction!"
"The brand new manuscript for a new book by failed lawyer Michael Cohen shows his testimony was a total lie! Pundits should only use it," Trump wrote in another tweet.
The tweets come a day after Trump asserted that Cohen "committed perjury on a scale not seen before," citing the book Cohen "was pushing" as evidence.   Trump said in a series of tweets on Friday: "Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote a 'love letter to Trump' manuscript for a new book that he was pushing. Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue. Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which now is a lie!"  "Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen's new book, given to publishers a short time ago," Trump continued. "Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony. Like a different person! He is totally discredited!" "Michael Cohen's book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before," Trump added. "He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one. Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?"  Mediaite notes that the source for the tweets appears to be a Daily Mail article about a book proposal Cohen circulated not long before the FBI raided his office.