Post N. Korea-U.S. summit analysis

2019-03-02 13

Let's get some post-summit analysis from an expert on North Korea.
Joining me in the studio is law professor Song Se-ryeon from Kyung Hee University.

Two days have passed since after the North Korea-U.S. summit came to an abrupt end,… no deal was signed, but the two sides didn't leave on bad terms, what comes next in regards to the negotiations?

Does the North's request during the summit for sanctions relief suggest the regime could be in deeper economic trouble than thought?

President Trump's critics are framing the Hanoi summit as a "Trump failure"… how do you rate the way he handled the negotiations?

Is it business as usual for President Moon Jae-in or do you think he's going to have to modify his strategy toward North Korea?

Are the inter-Korean economic projects under threat or do you expect them to keep moving forward?

What would it take for the Trump administration to strike a long-term deal with North Korea?

Should President Trump apply more pressure on Beijing to use its influence over Pyeongyang to get the regime to loosen its demands?

Are you more optimistic or more pessimistic about the North Korea issue than you were a few days ago?

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