Prime Minister Narendra Modi who completes one year of being in power on Tuesday, addressed a large gathering in Mathura today, which is the birthplace of Jan Sangh ideologue Deen Dayal Upadhyay. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will complete one year in power on Tuesday, amid major ups and downs. 64-year-old Modi will address a mega rally in Mathura today ahead of celebrating one year completion where over a lakh followers are expected to be present. The rally is scheduled to be held in Nagla Chandrabhan, 160 km from Delhi, the native village of Jana Sangh leader Deen Dayal Upadhyay. Akhilesh Yadav led Uttar Pradesh government is gearing up with firm arrangements to ensure tight security. BJP and the government will honor the one year of Modi government in power as ‘Jan Kalyan Parv’ celebrations’.
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