Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning arrived in his Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi for the first time after assuming charge, where he is likely to firm up plans for its development.
"I am here as your Sevak, am going to be with you in times of happiness and sadness," the PM said after inaugurating a trade facilitation centre for weavers in Varanasi.
"Varanasi has a very special place in my heart. Varanasi has made me their own. I am here in the midst of my own. The joy is different," Naredra Modi said.
Talking about the textile sector, the PM said that this sector gives employment to poorest of the poor. All sections of society are integrated in this sector.
Every mother wishes that her daughter should wear "Banarasi Sari" on her wedding, the PM said. "Banarasi Sari" has got a huge readymade market in India, he added.
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