The son of Railways Minister Sadananda Gowda, Karthik Gowda has finally made an appearance before the investigation officer on Friday in the alleged rape and cheating case against him. Karthik is likely to record his statement later on Friday. Karthik has undergone a medical examination in Bangalore.
The sessions court in Bangalore had on Monday granted anticipatory bail to Karthik Gowda, who is facing charges of rape, cheating and kidnap from a Kannada starlet. The actress has allegedly claimed to have married Karthik in July 2013. The news surfaced soon after Karthik announced his engagement to someone else in August. The actress had claimed that she and Karthik had got married at Gowda's residence in Mangalore in the presence of only Karthik's driver.
Karthik had been given anticipatory bail on the conditions that he would have to appear before the police on 15th and 30th of every month and submit Rs 2 lakh personal bond along with 2 locals security. Gowda also was told to submit his passport till the end of the trial.
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