As counting for 3 Lok Sabha and 33 Assembly seats spread across 10 States began on Tuesday, early trends indicated that BJP is leading in Gujarat. Meanwhile, Zee reported that BJP has won Maninagar seat in Gujarat. Bypolls were held in Maninagar after PM Narendra Modi vacated his Assembly seat after winning the Lok Sabha elections from Varanasi and Vadodara.
Samajwadi Party candidate from Hamirpur constituency is leading. The SP candidate from Mainpuri constituency is surging ahead. Mainpuri is considered to be Mulayam Singh Yadav’s bastion.
Early trends indicate BJP is ahead of Congress in Vaodara Lok Sabha seat in Gujarat. In nine Assembly seats in Gujarat BJP is leading in 6, while Congress is surging in 3. The recently held bypolls is being seen as yet another key test of Narendra Modi Government’s popularity since it assumed power in May.
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