Amitabh Bachchan at the Thursday trailer launch event for Thugs of Hindostan evaded answering questions about Tanushree Dutta’s allegations of misbehaviour against actor Nana Patekar. Asked about his reaction to the claims - a rare instance in Bollywood that an actor has named her alleged abuser publicly - Bachchan said, according to journalist Ankur Pathak, “Neither am I Tanushree, nor am I Nana Patekar, so how can I comment on this?”
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Amitabh Bachchan Gets Angry
Amitabh Bachchan Angry
Amitabh Bachchan angry on Journalist
Journalist asking about Tanushree Nana Patekar molestation case
Tanushree Nana Patekar molestation case
Tanushree Nana Patekar Case
Nana Patekar
Tanushree Dutta
Tanushree Dutta Nana Patekar
Molestation Case
Tanushree Dutta
Tanushree Dutta Case
Nana Patekar Case