The investigation into the rape of a six-year-old student in a private school in Marathahalli, Bangalore, has taken a U-turn with the police now claiming that the girl was gang-raped. What’s more, they now say that Mohammed Mustafa, earlier arrested as the prime accused, was not directly involved in the incident.
The Bangalore City police arrested two gymnastic instructors of the school on Monday in connection with the crime that occurred on July 3. It was 10 days ago that Mustafa was arrested.
Police Commissioner M.N. Reddi told presspersons here on Tuesday that the two arrested were the school’s gymnastic instructors Lal Giri (21) and Wasim Pasha (28), who had previously been detained and arrested before being let off due to lack of evidence. Incidentally, Mustafa, Giri and Pasha are among the five already dismissed from the school.
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