The 1.30pm namaz at the mosque in Unnati Nagar, Hadapsar, on Saturday had the usual gathering but something was different. Many had changed their attire and a handful their appearance — Pathani suits had made way for trousers and shirts and a few young men had shaved off their beards.
The brutal murder of Mohsin Sadiq Shaikh on June 2 allegedly by members of Hindu Rashtra Sena has left them worried. The 28-year-old IT manager was targeted in Hadapsar by the hate mob as he stood out in his beard, skull cap and Pathani suit.
At least 25 Muslim families, who have been living in Unnati Nagar locality for the past 40 years, say there has never been any communal tension before. A local resident said, "Our Hindu neigbours are with us. It's the outsiders who have done this." Police have said 30-40 young men from the outskirts had attacked Mohsin, of whom 17 have been arrested.
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