Union Minister for steel Beni Prasad Verma drew criticism from all parts of the country for distributing mobile phones, suitcases and cash worth Rs 2 crore to journalists and Congress workers in Lucknow. In fact, he also 'assured' that he would give a 'better package' to scribes in Faizabad. Referring to the money distributed as TA and DA for journalists and the members of 'Steel Consumer Council' formed by his ministry, he said,"I am trader and I know where to invest to get good returns." On Monday, close to 1,000 members were given cash, a trolley bag and mobile each at a council meeting at a five star hotel. Among the beneficiaries included Congress workers from his home district Barabanki, from his constituency Gonda and the local journalists who have been made the members of the council till March 31, 2014.
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