Tonight with Deepak Chaurasia: Laws destroying Muslims are made in Parl, says Akbaruddin Owaisi

2019-03-01 1

Wingman of All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (AIMIM) Akbaruddin Owaisi on Monday shocked the nation with his bewildering statement during his speech when he allegedly said that laws passed by parliament and assemblies are against the Muslim majority of the state.

Akbaruddin, who is the brother of the outspoken national president of the AIMIM Asaduddin Owaisi said in a video that was broadcast on India TV said, “The laws that destroy Muslims are not made on roads, marketplaces or grounds but in Parliament, Assemblies and municipalities”.

Asaduddin Owaisi believes that his brother Asaduddin with a strong majority can provide more Muslim reinforcements in the Parliament and can make sure in safeguarding their rights.

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