With Republic Day around the corner, large parts of Delhi’s roads — Mayur Vihar, Ashok Nagar, DND, Ashram, Akshardham, Mathura Road among others witnessed major clogging on Monday morning following the traffic restrictions put in place by the Delhi police. Most of the roads near the Republic Day parade rehearsal route were blocked by traffic police for the final dress rehearsal of the parade prior to January 26.
Traffic police had issued advisories regarding the route for the four dress rehearsals prior to the big day — 26 Jan. Following the prior announcements traffic was not allowed along the parade route on Rajpath from Vijay Chowk to India Gate with the C-Hexagon also being closed till the parade got over, badly hitting central Delhi with traffic jams.
Commuters were forced to take the longer route in order to reach their required destinations.
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