NewsX : The CBI on Friday questioned BJP's Rajya Sabha members Prakash Javadekar and Bhupendra Yadav to verify allegations that they had discussed ways to influence the court statement of the mother of a fake encounter victim Tulsi Prajapati, who was killed in Gujarat in November 2006, to weaken the case against the then minister of state for home Amit Shah.
The CBI quizzed Javadekar and Yadav, separately, for a few hours at its headquarters in connection with a video in which they were allegedly seen discussing ways to weaken the case against Shah, an aide of Narendra Modi, by influencing Prajapati's mother Narmada Bai.
"We asked Prakash Javadekar and Bhupendra Yadav about the purported conversations shown in the tape and they co-operated with us," said a CBI source. The source said that both Javadekar and Yadav rejected the allegations.
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