New Delhi: BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel said on Thursday that N Srinivasan is back as the BCCI chief and he will now chair the working committee meeting to be held in New Delhi on Friday.
"He (Srinivasan) is the BCCI chief and he has already started working. There is no confusion as to who will chair tomorrow's working committee meeting. Nobody till now has forced Mr Srinivasan to resign," Patel told reporters.
Asked whether a fresh probe panel will be formed by the BCCI as demanded by one of the senior vice-presidents Niranjan Shah, Patel gave a terse reply, "I have got nothing to do with it. Ask Niranjan Shah about it! Any decision regarding this can only be taken by the Working Committee and IPL Governing Council. If somebody is talking, it is not well."
If reports are to be believed then several North Zone members may boycott the working committee meeting of the BCCI, scheduled to be held tomorrow.
Many members in the North Zone are of the view that N Srinivasan should not return as the president of the BCCI and are ready to skip the working committee meeting to show their displeasure over it.
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