Aadhar cards or the UID card meant to be delivered have been found dumped in dustbins. In a clear sign of the postal department being at fault here, the concerned authorities are busy playing the blame game. NewsX has discovered that hundreds of such unique identification cards meant to be delivered at your doorstep are left eroding in public dustbins. We found that a few brokers pick up these aadhar cards from post offices and hand them over to allottees for a fee. In this exclusive story we show you how the Cong's grand plan of "tumhare paise tumare hath mein" the direct cash transfers, by using the UID could run into being a nasty scam because of its misuse. The idea of direct cash transfers is to give money directly to the poor by the use of their UID cards. Political reactions pouring in and the CPI has said that it will raise the issue in Parliament.
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