Delhi gangrape: Govt misses deadline to install CCTV in DTC buses

2019-03-01 2

Damini's gruesome gangrape and subsequent public outrage had triggered a spate of promises from the Government. The task force Headed by the Home Secretary, which was formed to create changes ensuring safety of girls and women, had come up with various guidelines meant to be in vogue by January end. But a reality check by NewsX reveals that the promises offered seem more like placating the public as none of the changes reflect on the ground. A task force was constituted after huge public outrage after the gang-rape of a girl in Delhi on December 16, which had directed that every DTC and cluster bus should have a CCTV/Webcam by the 1st of Feburary. Besides it was agreed that buses should be GPS-enabled and it should be made functional at a Centralised Control Room by February 1.

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