After the BJP’s big win in Maharashtra, the divide in the state party unit came out in the open on Tuesday as 39 of its 44 Vidarbha MLAs took a flight from Mumbai to Nagpur and asked Union Minister and former party president Nitin Gadkari to take over as the Chief Minister. Interestingly, all the 44 MLAs had earlier supported state party president Devendra Fadnavis, who is seen as the frontrunner for the top post.
Even as the MLAs shouted slogans like, “Maharashtra ka mukhya mantri kaisa ho, Nitin Gadkari jaisa ho”, Gadkari sought to play down the development. “It is their love for me that has prompted them to urge me to become CM. But I have repeatedly said that I am not interested in returning to the state… The CM will be chosen by the parliamentary party,” he said.
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