A Jaipur couple are knocking on the doors of the court asking for police protection to save them from the wrath of the khap panchayat in their village. The khap has been threatening 22-year-old Trilok Saini ever since he married his childhood sweetheart. But in what seems to be a new low ... khap panchayat members are trying to play the extortionist ..By demanding money to spare their lives. The police have filed a case... But Trilok is still scared. Trilok Chand Saini, an accountant, and his wife Prem Kumawat have changed at least six rented accommodation, 10 cell numbers in the past two years. The couple has tried all means possible to seek a way out of the constant threats by 15 members of the village panchayat in Mohana. Their only crime---they dared to marry a person outside the caste.
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