Kareena Kapoor's ex-boyfriend, Shahid Kapoor, also wished Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor on their wedding. He wished them a very happy and long married life. He further added that he hoped Kareena continued working post marriage too. And It's a big day for Saif Ali khan and Kareena Kapoor as they tied the knot today. After a gala Sangeet on Sunday and mehndi on Monday the registered wedding finally happened. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor came out to pose for shutterbugs as man and wife. Saifeena have got married at saif Bandra's House...where the couple had a registered marriage. Kareena wore a Manish Malhotra Creation, whereas Saif will wore A Banarasi Brocade Achkan by Raghavendra Rathore. The entire kapoor and khan family were present at the residence. From here the couple along with their families will head to Taj Colaba for a grand celebration.
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