Expert analysis on N. Korea-U.S. summit

2019-03-01 0

The Hanoi summit collapsed in what was a dispiriting end to a high-stakes meeting between the North Korean and U.S. leaders.
Let's get some expert analysis on the summit from Go Myong-hyun, Research Fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, who joins in the studio....

1. Not the result many were expecting or hoping for…. what's your opinion on what we saw yesterday AND... do you think it jeopardizes the chances for a third summit?

2. President Trump said he had to walk away as both sides failed to agree on sanctions. A few people have praised him, even some of his critics, for doing that. In your views,... was it in Washington's best interests to call time on the summit early?

3. As we heard, Pyongyang and Washington are saying different things about what happened during the talks. Trump says Kim wanted all sanctions to be lifted. The North's foreign minister says Kim only asked for partial sanctions relief. Which side are you inclined to believe and why?

4. South Korea is obviously disappointed…. What do think President Moon Jae-in will do to try and break this impasse.

5. North Korea's ally China has urged both parties to meet in the middle…. What do you that middle ground is and what concessions will be considered fair to both sides?

Thank for your insights.