Political prisoners released from Villa Devoto prison - Buenos Aires 1973

2019-02-27 2

Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the jail of Villa Devoto. Report where journalist Tico Rodríguez Paz comments: "In one of the corners of the penitentiary some cars of the Federal Police Infantry Guard have been placed in. We reiterate that we do not know exactly what the situation is, because there is talk that there is a riot inside We will see from another perspective, from another perspective, some hung posters, we will see one that says "Perón al poder", and a great Argentine flag that must be at least 10 meters long. It is the pavilion where all the detainees are for political and related causes, posters are placed on the pavilion where the political detainees are, we are now filming from a terrace next to the Villa Devoto prison, we are seeing the interior of one of the courtyards next to the We are now in the vicinity of Villa Devoto prison, many people are arriving, relatives and friends of political detainees, and are practically allowed to arrive up to the main door of the prison. Now many people have walked around Bermúdez Street and we will follow from another angle. A column of relatives presided by Mr. Domínguez with a group of people. "Report where journalist Edgardo Mesa comments:" Another group of demonstrators is coming in support of those already gathered here, in the Villa Devoto prison. We also observed two pictures of the Federal Police Infantry Guard. "Report to a young man, in which he is asked: -Where do you come from? (Respond: We come from the University Federation of Buenos Aires with all the student centers) Then the journalist comments: "This happens here, in the jail of Villa Devoto, a few hours after the government of President Héctor José Campora was established. Members of the Federal Police and the Infantry Guard are monitoring the vicinity of Villa Devoto prison, and so far have not taken any intervention. More demonstrators are still arriving. Fire is seen in one of the pavilions of Villa Devoto prison; probably some burnt mattress or other objects. And here the demonstrators continue to arrive, most of them precede from Plaza de Mayo, where today at noon they attended the ceremony with which the country's first magistracy took office, President Héctor José Campora. The demonstrators have surrounded the block of Villa Devoto prison, large caravans of demonstrators have moved to this site, the U2 Detention Institute of Villa Devoto. They demand the release of political prisoners who still remain at the disposal of the Executive Power. (Tico Rodríguez Paz-Edgardo Mesa / Day-Night)
Date: 5/25/1973
Duration: 8 minutes 16 seconds
Code of the film: D-02362

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