Cell Phone Dangers- Health Risks

2008-10-15 196

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Possible dangers of cell phones are a highly debated subject. Some are
indisputable and others have strong advocates and meet with opposition
simultaneously. As more studies are conducted the discussion will
continue to draw controversy and concern.

Cancer warnings: The possibility or probability of cancer causing
effects from cell phone use and exposure to cellular towers is a
controversial topic. With over 200 million wireless phones in use and all the
195,000 plus cell towers that receive and transmit the signals to these
devices are we safe? Are there dangers associated with living in near
proximity? This is often a hot topic in the news when studies of negative
findings are reported.
Some scientific studies have suggested a link between cell phones and
brain cancer. It's difficult to know whether these results are reliable.
Although it is reassuring that the majority of published studies did
not find any danger of cancer, there is not enough information available
to say that this concern has been disproven.
Wireless telephones are two-way radios. When you talk into a wireless
telephone, it picks up your voice and converts the sound to
radiofrequency energy (or radio waves).

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) each regulate wireless telephones. FCC ensures that all
wireless phones sold in the United States follow safety guidelines
that limit radiofrequency (RF) energy. FDA monitors the health effects of
wireless telephones. Each agency has the authority to take action if a
wireless phone produces hazardous levels of RF energy.
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