Wow check out this UNHINGED video of liberal crying about how Cocaine Mitch treated activist kids!

2019-02-24 1

By now you’ve all seen the amaaaazing Sunrise Movement video where Senator Dianne Feinstein slaps down some whiny little propagandized kids on climate change and if you haven’t you need to STOP right now and go WATCH IT right here, I’ll wait.

….. OK wasn’t that amaaazing?!

Anyway this one is almost as good if you like whiny liberals melting down over Republicans just not giving a damn about their screeching.

“Destine” is 17 years old and she seriously thinks that she is the most important constituent (though she has trouble saying the word) that Mitch McConnell has because she’s young and poor and a person of color. Yup.

You poor child. Go home, read a book, forget politics for a while until you full yourself with knowledge and experience, instead of just regurgitating what liberals tell you to repeat.


The whole video can be seen at Facebook, honestly, you should take it as a challenge to your moral fortitude to see how long you can bare to watch her whining. I made it all the way through! I’m tough.